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The Laboratory of Turbulence Mechanics was inaugurated in October 1998, but had already been active for a number of years (since October of 1993 to be precise), in a small room in the Technology Center of the Rio de Janeiro Federal University. In 1998 with the construction of the Center´s new block, the I-2000, the lab was moved to more comfortable installations.
The entire construction of the lab, including floors, padding, electrical system installations, furniture etc. was funded by projects with industrial firms and governmental agencies.


NIDF's new laboratory.
The new laboratory was inaugurated.Check it out.

Segurança Aérea

COPPE/UFRJ's website about Aviation Safety

"Technical aspects of the AF447 accident: One year review."

Laboratory of Turbulence Mechanics
Address: Block I2000 room number I-138
Universitarian City – Fundão Island - Rio de Janeiro
Phone: 2562-7748 / 2562-7749